40+ NPC characters
70+ Plugins
350+ Lockable buildings
90,000+ Prefab Entities
500+ Hours of development
Rust City RP server has been in development for over a year now. Beginning in June of 2023, the server started as a private music studio server for me to use for making music video content in Rust. I filmed some videos here after building large detailed sets using a configuration of different plugins, and at one point I decided to start building a city to record some footage to use in my next video, but then things got a bit carried away...
Using RustEdit, I started creating a road network on a very large scale: 5x5 city blocks. The city center are occupied by the 2 Tenament buildings that are low-income housing for new joiners. Then I started adding over a hundred Row Houses and Brownstone style buildings to create a city feeling, then added alley ways with office and industry buildings that can be taken over, as well as custom monuments and other facilities that the city will need.
Now, the city sits at the final stage. After more than 325 map edits, uploads, testing, debugging and configuring, the map is at its best state to date, fine tuned for best frame rate possible while being completely loaded to the brim with things to do and places to go. I couldnt be more happy with this project. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read, and I hope you found some enjoyment in the Rust social experiment I call Rust City RP! 😁